Outfielder Andrew McCutchen (“McCutchen”) of the Pittsburg Pirates left something behind in Chicago after playing the Cubs on May 15, 2015. It seems that his paystub was found in the

Outfielder Andrew McCutchen (“McCutchen”) of the Pittsburg Pirates left something behind in Chicago after playing the Cubs on May 15, 2015. It seems that his paystub was found in the
It was difficult to explain to my 7-year-old grandson, an avid baseball and Milwaukee Brewers fan, why MVP Ryan Braun was no longer in left field. Violating the rules, trying to circumvent a level playing field by taking a competitive advantage and deceiving the public, his employer, teammates and friends was a difficult explanation for a 7-year-old to comprehend. It brings to light the ever-nagging problem as to how we view professional athletes. We should celebrate and emulate their on-field heroics. Dedication, physical prowess, work ethic, perseverance, sacrifice and teamwork are characteristics that set them apart. Professional athletes' on- and off-the-field flamboyance, larger-than-life persona and constant limelight presence make them unforgettable figures in our lives.