Head Coach Accountability - New Standard. In October of 2012, NCAA Bylaw was created to read as follows: It shall be the responsibility of an institution's head coach to promote an atmosphere for compliance within the program supervised by the coach and to monitor the activities regarding compliance of all assistant coaches and other administrators involved with the program who report directly or indirectly to the coach. As a result of NCAA Bylaw, an institution's head coach is presumed to be responsible for the actions of all assistant coaches and administrators who report directly and indirectly to the head coach. Under the new Bylaw, a head coach is required to cultivate an atmosphere of compliance within his program and to monitor the activities of all assistant coaches and administrators involved with the program who report directly or indirectly to the head coach. The new legislation holds head coaches directly accountable for NCAA violations by members of their coaching staff.
Multiple Roles for College Coaches
CEOs In Headphones – Financial Engineering
The college coach of today is required not only to be an instructor, but also act as a fund raiser, recruiter, academic adviser, public figure, budget director, television, radio and internet personality, alumni glad-handler, and any other role that the university's athletic director or president may direct him to do. Sports sociologists would opine that college coaches suffer from a condition known in the social science discipline as ‘role strain;’ that is, they have far too many roles to fill at very high levels of performance. It is no wonder why big time college coaches are compensated the way they are -- the job environment dictates the high compensation level.